AIMM company responded to the request of SBID Ukraine, the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development, and the British Embassy in Ukraine, providing a unique opportunity for students to develop the space of a comprehensive school in Brovary. There are no analogs in the design and construction of such a school during the Independence of Ukraine because 2340 students can study in the spacious educational complex from AIMM-GROUP.
School #NES (New Educational Space) is a modern educational institution that takes into account the requirements for inclusive education, barrier-free, and eco-friendly materials. It makes this architecture forms a truly new philosophy of teaching children. For this, AIMM-GROUP specialists have studied in detail the foreign experience in designing educational institutions.
Special attention was paid to energy efficiency: combined boiler room, ventilation, as well as water supply and aeration. Using the BMS (Building management system), which manages all technological processes, you can use resources more efficiently. To illuminate the interiors and the territory, the company used LED lights that met the highest requirements while having the best performance.
Recreation areas are provided in voluminous halls, where you can manage various activities, game lessons, creative exhibitions, and fairs. It is one of such huge halls that was presented at the Get me 2 the Top Ukraine in the Educational Design section.
We are sure that talented young architects and designers should create a modern recreation area for pupils. In fact, the contestants have the opportunity to create a school of their dreams.
You can read about the conditions and project requirements in detail on the official resources of the competition:
We look forward to the results of the competition because, in addition to prizes, students will have the opportunity to take part in an internship at the best design company: AIMM GROUP.